Elizabeth Pilon-Smits Emeritus Professor


Phone: (970) 491-4991


  • Ph.D., Utrecht University, The Netherlands


In the Pilon-Smits lab we do multidisciplinary research that ranges from cells to whole plants to ecosystems. An important common denominator is selenium (Se): an essential element with anticarcinogenic and antiviral properties, but also a toxin and environmental pollutant. We study plant Se tolerance and accumulation using genetic/genomic tools and biotechnology and biochemistry. At the same time, we are very interested in ecological and evolutionary aspects of Se hyperaccumulation: the capacity of certain species to accumulate Se up to 1% of dry weight. Our findings indicate that Se hyperaccumulation has evolved as a protection from biotic stresses. A better understanding of plant Se metabolism and hyperaccumulation may ultimately lead to the development of pathogen- and pest-resistant, anticarcinogenic, Se-fortified crops, and plants with superior properties for the phytoremediation of Se-polluted soils and waters. Plant species we use in our research are the hyperaccumulator Stanleya pinnata, non-hyperaccumulator relatives Stanleya elata, Brassica juncea and Arabidopsis thaliana, and, recently, Cannabis sativa (hemp).