Room Reservation Details
It is your responsibility to ensure your reservation is confirmed and finalized. These forms submit your request. Reservations will be confirmed in a separate email.
Study Rooms (139, 138, 137, 135, 354):
Follow this link to reserve through the Library’s portal: Reserve a Study Room
Conference rooms (113, 200, 228, 300, 355, 400):
Fill out this form: Room Request
Classrooms, Lab, & Lecture Rooms:
Biology rooms:
- Classrooms + Lecture Rooms: 133, 134, 136*
- Lab Rooms: 104, 106, 110, 128, 130, 132
Yates rooms:
- Classrooms + Lecture Rooms: 206, 208, 306
- Lab Rooms: 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 301, 303, 305
Contact Undergrad Coordinator, Kristin Kerr for all classroom scheduling.
* General Assignment spaces: Biology 136 & West Plaza
These spaces can be reserved for events through EMS by faculty/staff. You must be logged in to see rooms outside of the LSC. If you do not have access, you can fill out the following form: General Assignment Room Request.
*Please contact Kristin Kerr if you would like to schedule a class in 136.
GTA Office Hours Room, Biology 356
Fill out this form: 356 Office Hours Request
- If you’re a TA for a BZ course, contact Alpana Damle
- If you’re a TA for a LIFE course, contact Ren Hellmuth
If you have trouble with reserving a room, please email the CEF, Elizabeth Saunders. Be sure to include details about your reservation and any booking issues you encountered.