Our own Joe von Fischer has found fame in finding methane! A broader description of the project is published online at CSU Today: http://www.today.colostate.edu/story.aspx?id=10267
The EDF put together a really nice web page describing the project: http://www.edf.org/climate/methanemaps
The story was picked up broadly and already appeared in the Washington Post, Bloomberg, and Scientific American. Some other places include:
Reuters: Google’s Street View takes on America’s gas leaks
Fortune: Google unveils maps to track natural gas leaks below city streets
New Scientist: Google Streetview cars sniff out gas leaks in cities
Boston Globe: Thousands of gas leaks in Boston area, study finds
Newsweek: Google Street View Cars Want to Scan Your City for Gas Leaks
Salon: Google Street View can now show you if you live near a natural gas leak
Fast Company: Google Street View Cars Are Sniffing Out Climate-Destroying Methane As They Drive
Engadget: Google Street View cars have mapped methane gas leaks in big US cities
Gizmodo: Google Street View Cars Find Hundreds of Gas Leaks in Cities
GreenTech Media: EDF and Google Street View Join Forces to Find and Map Natural Gas Leaks
Slash Gear: See Google Maps show natural gas leaks around your city
Geeks World: EDF & Google Street View Map Methane Gas Leaks
The Hill: Google project maps natural gas leaks under city streets
Fuel Fix: Google project spotlights pipeline leaks under city streets
Natural Gas Intelligence: EDF, Google Map Underground NatGas Leaks in Boston, Indianapolis, NYC